
I love dance. I love words. I'm trying to figure out my way through life better utilizing both. Join me on my journey here!  

Hello there...

Hello there...

I’ve been writing a lot lately, but not here.

I’ve been taking copious notes and writing essays for my courses at the university, and starting work on my thesis. I’ve been notating the works of our latest project in the dance class. I’ve also been writing down never-ending to-do lists and snippets of ideas for pending blog posts.

I’m not quite ready to share any of that yet, but given that Sivaratri was this week, I will share this teaser:

Much love!

P.S. Photo taken by one of our amazing dance class girls, Vindhya from my performance the weekend before last.

ASL and Abhinaya

ASL and Abhinaya

A little bit of joy

A little bit of joy